Friday Afternoon Learning Community of NIST

Come relax with like-minded colleagues for an hour at the end of your week. Participate in conversations around evidence-based teaching that will inspire you to put the ideas we discuss into practice. You'll find us on Zoom the second and fourth Friday of every month (4-5 PM Eastern/1-2 PM Pacific). Join our mailing list to get regular notifications and links to the registration page for each event.
Would you like to present at a future FALCoN? If so, please email: nationalinstituteonst@gmail.com.
Previous topics have included:
Team-Based Learning: Group Work that Works
Adapting a CURE to a Virtual Environment
Teaching Critical Thinking and Information Literacy in Intro STEM Courses
Asynchronous Online Group Discussions: Yes You Can!
Cultivating Improvements in Faculty and Students Mindsets
Forming Groups to Maximize Learning in Large-enrollment Undergraduate Classes
Increasing a Sense of Belonging in Science Literacy through CUREs
Jumping Into the Data Pool: Pooling Student-Generated Data